
ONS 2008: Taking a global view

The main theme of the ONS 2008 event in Stavanger, Norway – energy for one world – has been announced.
Global energy challenges will be a key issue when the world’s leading energy players assemble at this major international conference, exhibition and festival from 26–29 August next year.
The main theme, which primarily sets the conference agenda, has been developed by an international committee chaired by Jean-Marie Dauger, chief operating officer of Gaz de France.
– Our planet faces major climate challenges at the same time as we see huge economic expansion in large parts of the world, says Kjell Ursin-Smith, managing director of the ONS Foundation.
– The issue of access to energy, particularly in clean forms, is more central than ever before. With this theme for ONS 2008, we aim to embrace the major challenges facing the world.
In addition to its role in the conference programme, the main theme will be reflected in the exhibition part of the four-day ONS event.
– It also sends a signal that the industry cares, Mr Ursin-Smith notes. –Nobody takes the challenges more seriously than the oil and gas business.
– Intensive efforts are being devoted in every area from treatment technology to new energy sources. ONS 2008 will be an arena where this can be demonstrated and experience shared.

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